Goodbye 2017…Hello 2018

We at Careless would like to wish all our followers, volunteers and supporters a prosperous and a ‘content’ new year. We wave goodbye to 2017 with all that it has brought us from joy, struggles and achievements. 2017 has been a ‘balanced’ year, one that had challenging days but also happy ones, where we endured difficult times but experienced successful ventures, and lived through disappointment yet also had the fortune to achieve far more than anticipated. As you see it was not a complete happy year but a balanced one at all levels; personal, health, work, family, friendship, relationships etc,…which actually generates a far long lasting feeling of happiness; Content is a feeling that will live with you far longer.

In 2017 Careless had a busy and very active year; we gave our first public speech at the British Islam conference, were featured in various media platforms; Egypt Today in Egypt, and the UK based ‘Arab Weekly’ and ‘The New Arab. We also had our first live radio interview with BBC Arabic radio and Al-Najah radio in Jordan, Careless was also present at the Sharjah International Book festival and at Dubai Abilities Expo. But the most important and most self satisfying achievement has to be meeting and connecting with so many amazing people who all share our passion, devotion and determination in working to challenge and create a positive change within the disability field.

A big thank you to everyone who has supported and helped s not in just 2017 but since the very first day that Careless journey began. We wish you all a very balanced and content new year.


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